班布里 – 乔格拉菲旅游公司

Bunbury Geographe Tours
Charters, Day Trips and Special Events
Bunbury Geographe Tours has a comfortable bus and driver for groups of up to 10 people leaving most days from Bunbury.
班布里-乔格拉菲旅游公司,致力于为您提供高品质的旅游服务。我们拥有安全舒适的巴士、热情专业司机和敬业负责的导游,是您在班布里-乔格拉菲地区游览的最佳选择。(团队游客接待最多可达10人) We can provide an itinerary, or if you want a Mystery Tour, we can do that too!
最大限度地满足游客需求和提供高质量的游客体验,是我们一贯的宗旨。我们可以根据您的需求,自由定制个性化的游览安排。同时,也提供多条推荐路线,供您参考。 We can provide group bus transport to your chosen venue and back again.
针对团队游客,还提供上门接送服务。 We have an air-conditioned bus with an esky for perishables and plenty of space for purchases along the way.
我们的巴士配有凉爽的空调,拥有宽敞的空间,以及专用的冷藏设备,便于您随时存放沿途购买的物品。 Let us do the driving, without you having to worry. We’ll pick you up and we’ll get you home too.
所有旅程都配有专职司机,免除您的驾驶劳顿,让您全身心地享受轻松惬意的旅程。 Choose from one of our tours, contact us, or fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you to discuss your plans.
欢迎浏览我们的网站,了解更多游览信息。您可以通过电话或填写网页表格,与我们取得联系。我们会及时与您沟通游览事宜。 Bunbury Geographe Tours can be the answer!
Explore Harvey Region
Discover one of Australia’s prime producing regions, with rich Italian heritage, orange trees, dairy cows and vineyards, home of Harvey Beef and Harvey Fresh.
踏上轻松惬意的旅程,探索和了解澳洲物产丰富地区之一的哈维郡。这里有着历史悠久的意大利遗迹和风景优美的田园风光。穿过枝繁叶茂的橘子林和葡萄园,来到开阔牧场,邂逅憨态可掬的大奶牛。远近闻名的Harvey Beef 和Harvey Fresh也坐落于此。 Beautiful estuary, pristine beaches, scenic country, natural waterways and Jarrah forest, just waiting to be explored.
这里洁白的优质沙滩、精致的田园风光、纵横的生态水系,以及广袤的原始森林(红柳桉树,澳大利亚西南部珍贵树种),一一等待着您去探寻。 Enjoy unique attractions and fabulous country views, from the top of Harvey Dam Wall, Gibbs Pool, walkways, gardens, playgrounds, amphitheatre and more.
此外,哈维水库、Gibbs泳池、各具特色的精美花园、游乐园、露天剧场,都是您不容错过的景点。 Specialised daily tours in the Bunbury Geographe and Harvey region.
班布里-乔格拉菲旅游公司是您游览班布里-乔格拉菲地区、 哈维地区的最佳旅行伙伴。
Full-day tours from Bunbury. Charters available.
Taste of Harvey Food and Wine Region Tour
$120 Per Person – Children under 12 -$45
成人每位$120,儿童(12岁以下)$45 We welcome you to our agricultural region where you can meet crafts people, cheese and wine makers and even local wildlife.
澳式农场体验游,是我们的一大特色。报名参加澳式农场体验游,您不仅可以与当地手工艺人近距离接触,实地了解澳式奶酪的制作工艺,还可以与知名酿酒师畅谈葡萄酒酿造知识,并有机会邂逅可爱的野生小动物。 Join us for a food and wine experience with picturesque scenery. Entry fees and lunch are included in tour price.
除了饱览美景,品鉴美酒、美食也是您必不可少的游览体验。(相关门票、午餐费用已包含在游览费用内) This full day tour includes a stop at Featured Wood Gallery and Museum to see local crafted wood.
游览途中,您会参观极具当地特色的Wood Gallery and Museum(木文化博物馆),一睹当地精巧且富有历史韵味的木制品。 The day will include a stop to see how cheese is made and enjoy tasting award winning artisanal cheeses, and meet the emus on site.
您还有机会亲身体验澳式奶酪的制作过程,品尝屡获殊荣的手工奶酪,并与生活在此的鸸鹋(Emus)来一次完美邂逅。 We will see Stirling Gardens and replica historic Stirling’s Cottage with lunch of fabulous food. Take a picture in the cow cut out at Harvey Visitor Centre. Enjoy picking an orange in the orange grove and take in the beautiful gardens on the Harvey River.
随后,游览优美的斯特灵花园和历史悠久的斯特灵村舍(按原貌完美复制),并在此享用美味午餐。 餐后,来到哈维郡游客中心,与那里的奶牛剪影合影留念。然后,一边享受亲手采摘橘子的乐趣,一边欣赏哈维河畔的美景。 Visit dairy country and see cows on lush pastures, with a stop at Harvey River Estate for wine tasting. You can climb the 62 steps of the Big Orange and a great picture opportunity.
之后,游览天然牧场,邂逅生活在郁郁葱葱草场上的奶牛,品尝哈维河酒庄佳酿的葡萄酒。您还可以踏上62级台阶,在Big Orange上眺望四周美景,并驻足留影。 Visit John Boyle O’rielly Walk taking in the Australian bush. Enjoy the views across Leschenault Estuary and photograph the kangaroos at Cathedral Avenue on the way home to Bunbury.
最后,踏上John Boyle O’rielly Walk,体验一段丛林漫步,并在折返班布里的路上,一边饱览Leschenault入海口的美景,一边挥手与路边觅食的袋鼠道别。